External breast prostheses

After breast surgery, wearing an external breast prosthesis, either as a permanent solution or while waiting for reconstruction, restores a natural figure. It is also extremely useful to avoid: bad posture of the shoulder, lumbar or cervical pain, muscular pain, headaches.
Breast prostheses come in 4 main families adapted to women’s body shape and daily needs:
- The temporary prosthesis, soft and light, is worn for the first two months after surgery (mastectomy or lumpectomy) while waiting for healing and in case of radiotherapy. It aims to optimise healing while allowing a balanced and natural silhouette to be regained as soon as the patient leaves hospital. It can be washed by hand by first removing the cotton wool contained inside. Air dry.
- The classic prosthesis, available in different shapes and materials, is worn after the transitional prosthesis (2 months after the mastectomy operation). It is heavier in order to ensure static balance. Its physiological appearance, pleasant to the touch, gives the impression of a natural breast. It fits into the integrated pocket of the bra and swimwear. It can be washed by hand with soap and water.
- The adhesive silicone external prosthesis can be worn 14 months after the operation if the patient wishes and with the doctor’s approval. It adheres directly to the skin and reduces tension in the shoulders, back or neck pain. It can also be placed in the bra pocket. It can be washed by hand with water, a specific soap and a soft brush.
- The supplemental prosthesis is recommended in the case of partial operations.
Examples of external prostheses
Provisional Silicone Adhesive