Leg orthoses (knee ankle foot)
Knee ankle foot orthoses are custom-made orthopedic devices available in many forms, offering a wide range of designs and materials. There are two types of orthosis:
- Nocturnal knee ankle foot orthoses intended to stabilize or reduce malformation and stiffening of knee and ankle joints.
- Ambulatory knee ankle foot orthoses intended to compensate for knee conditions caused by neurological, muscular, ligament-related or bone-related problems. These conditions may or may not be associated with deficiencies in the hip or ankle. They allow the patient to stand upright and walk with or without assistance (stick, walker).
If you are a healthcare professional and would like more information about knee ankle foot orthoses, download the free Orthopocket app (Google Play or App Store)
Examples of knee ankle foot orthoses
Nocturnal knee ankle foot orthosis Ambulatory knee ankle foot orthosis